Module II - Listening to Self
I strongly recommend TLC for anyone who needs a place to tend to their own soul and go deeper in their walk with Christ. I am a pastoral counselor where I am honored to listen and help others in their healing journey. My counseling role can also become a burden if I don’t find ways to care for my own soul.
TLC was like a retreat center and spiritual school all wrapped up in one. I found a nurturing, meaningful, loving community to deepen skills in listening to myself, God and others. It was life changing in my personal life; also, in how I practice listening to others.
TLC has helped me to look for and clearly see the Kingdom of God in and around all of my life.
Module II – Our Theme is Listening to Self
Discovery ~ Spiritual Ancestors ~ Mapping the Journey ~ Discernment
When we take the time to develop a deeper understanding of ourself in order to know and love God more deeply, something deep within us transforms. We are welcomed to take a long loving look into our souls with the tenderness and gentleness that only God’s grace can provide. This invitation heals and restores.
“The whole sum of our wisdom which is worth calling true and certain is practically comprised of two parts: that is the knowledge of God and ourselves.” — John Calvin, “Institutes of the Christian Religion”
In Module I, we learn about the practice of spiritual direction and it’s focus on God and the individual. We turn to past teachers who provide insight on ways to understand our own spiritual journeys.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- What is Spiritual Direction?
- Qualities of a Spiritual Director
- Teresa of Avila and John of The Cross – Unlikely Friends
- The Interior Castle – A Model for Our Spiritual Journey
- The Wall and The Dark Night – The Only Way Out is Through
- Evagrius and Virtues and Vices
- Ignatius of Loyola & The Spiritual Exercises
- Consolation and Desolation as Guides to Finding God
- Discernment in Daily Life
- Magnifying a God Moment
- One Day Retreat: The Enneagram as a Tool to Self Discovery