Module I - Listening to God
“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” Matthew 13:16 ESV
My time at TLC provided great opportunities for growth, most notably the area of spiritual formation. This was a time of intentionally opening myself more completely to knowing God, knowing myself and others.
The staff is knowledgeable, gracious and encouraging. The other students are fellow sojourners, each with their own set of gifts and talents to share. TLC provides an environment of safety so that each of the students can be transparent and genuine in their struggles, as well as celebrated in their strengths. Classes are designed to provoke thought and facilitate growth.
I highly recommend TLC as you will find yourself challenged, affirmed and grateful for this opportunity.
Module I – Our Theme is Listening to God
His Presence ~ His Word ~ We Pray ~ We Listen
How can we learn to hear God better and deepen our connection with God in our daily life? How does our image of God impact our relationships and our view of life? What happens when we see the larger story God is telling through the analogy of His Kingdom and our part in it? We explore these concepts in Module I.
“Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the wasteland.” — Isaiah 43:19
Topics include but are not limited to:
- What’s the Big Deal About the Kingdom?
- What is a Kingdom Life?
- The Process of Transformation
- Prayer – The Language of the Kingdom
- Forgiveness – The Key to Freedom
- Scripture – The Story of the Kingdom
- The Lost Art of Lament
- Putting it All Together – Creating a Rule of Life
- One Day Retreat: Journaling as a Spiritual Practice