TLC News

“Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out… spurring each other on…” —
Hebrews 10:25 AMP

My TLC Journey

My TLC Journey

I love this time of year - squeezing the warmth out of the long days of waning summer. I also love this time of year because I can spot the occasional burnished tree, the early birds whose leaves begin to turn long before the calendar tells us autumn is here. Soon we...

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The Classroom is Always Open

The Classroom is Always Open

I recently celebrated my 70th birthday, and I’ve been thinking about my life. I realize (almost with a shock) that I have fewer days ahead of me than behind. Reflecting back I have the image of my life as a classroom. This classroom image gives me a new perspective on...

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TLC Launches Cohort VI in Fall 2023

TLC Launches Cohort VI in Fall 2023

We are excited to announce the Transformational Listening Center will launch Cohort VI in Fall 2023! Bi-weekly classes will meet online with an option to participate in the three one-day retreats in-person in the Chicagoland area. We will hold an informational session...

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Tuning In: Listening to God in Listening to Others

Tuning In: Listening to God in Listening to Others

In Zephaniah 3:17, God is described as One who rejoices over us with singing. Too often, however, we fail to hear the music. This is a book about listening for the song of God’s beautiful kingdom and attuning our lives to the melody of Christ’s marvelous love. In...

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TLC Cohort V Starting the Winter of 2021

TLC Cohort V Starting the Winter of 2021

The Transformational Listening Center is pleased to announce that we will begin cohort V this fall at Christ Church Lake Forest. This program not only offers a certificate in spiritual direction but also an opportunity to grow in intimacy with God and others. Although...

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Annoucement About Cohort IV

Annoucement About Cohort IV

The Transformational Listening Center has been invited to conduct our classes for Cohort IV at Christ Church in Lake Forest. This is the culmination of a dream we’ve had for a long time, and we are looking forward to holding our program in their beautiful space. As a...

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Searching for Pearls

Searching for Pearls

In Matthew 13:45-46 Jesus tells this parable: “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” (ESV) In the movie National Treasure, Nicolas Cage is a...

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Welcome to the new TLC Website

Welcome to the new TLC Website

Welcome to our new website and news/blog section. Our hope is to stay in touch with past and present students and friends of TLC as well as fill you in on what is going on at the Transformational Listening Center. We will also use this space to write about some of the...

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Looking for Waldo

Looking for Waldo

“I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’” (Isaiah 65:1 ESV)This passage reminds me of the evening ritual my son and I had before his bedtime. Adam was a huge fan of...

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What’s the Big Deal About the Kingdom?

What’s the Big Deal About the Kingdom?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? I’ve wondered about this for years but never felt like I got a satisfying answer. The gospels use the word kingdom so often it is hard to miss. “Jesus went through out Galilee… preaching the good news about the kingdom of...

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